Want 83 years worth of free Netflix? Beat the high score on ‘The Old Guard’ game.

OSTN Staff

Want 83 years worth of free Netflix? Beat the high score on 'The Old Guard' game.

It may be based on a graphic novel, but Netflix’s The Old Guard now has a game too.

As part of the streaming giant’s promotional campaign around the action film starring Charlize Theron and Chiwetel Ejiofor about a covert group of immortal mercenaries, Netflix is releasing a browser-based game of the same name. In this top-down, beat ‘em up game, you play as Labrys-wielding immortal Andy (a.k.a. Andromache of Scythia), and battle hordes of enemies with your double-headed axe.

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More about Netflix, Charlize Theron, Competition, Video Games, and Entertainment

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