Despite Trump Leading in Multiple Primary Polls, NYT Reports Top GOP Elites Don’t Support Trump in 2024

The establishment is on a mission to stop Donald Trump.

A new report from the New York Times says that some members of the RNC are backing away from supporting Donald Trump’s 2024 campaign.

According to the report, only four members gave Trump an endorsement when they reached out to them.

Twenty said Trump should not be the nominee — and another 35 called for a big primary field or did not state their position on Trump.

The New York Times reported:

As former President Donald Trump prepares for his first public events since announcing his presidential campaign, dozens of members of the Republican Party’s governing body are expressing doubts about his ability to win back the White House and are calling for a competitive primary to produce a stronger nominee in 2024.

The 168 members of the Republican National Committee are gathering in Southern California to select their own leader Friday, and interviews this week with 59 of them — more than one-third of the committee’s membership — found few eager to crown Trump their nominee for a third time. While they praised his policies and accomplishments as president, many expressed deep concerns about his age (76), temperament and ability to win a general election, often in unusually blunt terms.

The New York Times called, emailed or texted all 168 RNC members. Just four offered an unabashed endorsement of Trump’s 2024 campaign. Twenty said the former president should not be the party’s nominee. An additional 35 said they would like to see a big primary field or declined to state their position on Trump. The remainder did not respond to messages.

In interviews, some RNC members estimated that between 120 and 140 of them preferred someone besides Trump to be their party’s presidential nominee.

Polling is showing Donald Trump dominating the GOP primary.

A recent poll found Trump leading the primary with 49% support.

Breitbart reported:

Former President Donald Trump is continuing to maintain a sizable lead in a hypothetical 2024 Republican primary race, the latest survey from Morning Consult found.

The data showed Trump garnering support from nearly half of those surveyed — 49 percent. Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) falls 19 points behind with 30 percent support.

No other potential challenger came close or saw double-digit support, as former Vice President Mike Pence fell to a distant third with seven percent support. Former U.S. ambassador to the U.N. Nikki Haley fell to fourth place with three percent support, and former Rep. Liz Cheney (R-WY), as well as Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX), saw two percent support each.

Another poll found Trump with an even bigger lead.

A recent Emerson Poll found Trump leading the primary with 55% support.

The Emerson poll also found him beating Biden in 2024.

Why are these RNC members backing away from Trump’s campaign?

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