Burning Man 2020 is buggy and fun as hell

OSTN Staff

Burning Man 2020 is buggy and fun as hell

Of all the in-jokes at Burning Man — and there are plenty in the 34-year history of an event with more than its share of merry pranksters — none has the longevity of “Daft Punk is playing at the trash fence.” 

Some context: The trash fence is the 10-mile perimeter around the event in Nevada’s Black Rock desert, part of Burning Man’s commitment to Leave No Trace. The Trump administration wanted it replaced with a concrete barrier; the argument was cut short when coronavirus canceled the physical event. In recent years, the in-joke has grown to the point where pranksters actually did “secret sets” as the helmeted French duo. The viral rumor seems as essential to the event as the ravens at the Tower of London. As long as Daft Punk is still said to be playing at the trash fence, Burning Man still exists.  Read more…

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