Hammer is currently staying on the remote Caribbean island as he and Cayman Islands-based ex-wife Elizabeth Chambers fight over custody of their two children, Harper, 6, and Ford, 3.“Well … my ex (for very good reason) wife is refusing to come back to America with my children. So I have to go back to Cayman … which sucks,” he captioned the post. “Except there are a few silver linings. Like f***ing Ms Cayman again while I’m down there.”
The video showed an unidentified woman, on all fours on a bed in and dressed only in lingerie. As the leaked video circulated, there was some confusion online about Hammer’s use of the term “Ms Cayman” – prompting the Miss Cayman Islands Universe Committee to release a statement saying it was “very disturbed” by the video and confirming that the woman seen “is not the reigning Miss Cayman Islands and has no affiliation to the Miss Cayman Islands Universe pageant”.Now, in what is only his second public statement since the scandal exploded, Hammer has apologised to the reigning Miss Cayman Mariah Tibbetts while confirming the Instagram account belongs to him. “I would like to clarify that the person in my video, which was stolen from my private Instagram, is not Miss Cayman. I am genuinely sorry for any confusion my foolish attempt at humour may have caused. My deep sympathies to Miss Cayman, who I don’t know, and to the entire organisation as I had no intentions of implying she was actually Miss Cayman,” the actor said in a statement released to US Weekly.
RELATED: Armie Hammer’s secret life exposed
It comes after Hammer had earlier released a furious statement dismissing the various claims against him as “bulls**t” and announcing he was dropping out of his next movie project to spend more time with his children. “I’m not responding to these bulls**t claims but in light of the vicious and spurious online attacks against me, I cannot in good conscience now leave my children for four months to shoot a film in the Dominican Republic. Lionsgate is supporting me in this and I’m grateful to them for that,” he said.The film Hammer has dropped out of, Shotgun Wedding, would have seen him star alongside Jennifer Lopez. His role will now be recast.
Hammer’s latest public statement, apologising to Miss Cayman, also contained a surprising admission from the embattled star: An acknowledgment that the private Instagram account belongs to him.Several others posts leaked from the account show Hammer openly referencing drug use and the drug testing he’s required to undergo as part of his custody battle.
Chambers, who was married to Hammer for 10 years before they split in July last year, is said to be “shocked” by the allegations about her former husband’s private life.“[These messages] are very shocking for her,” said a friend of Chambers. “He never did any of the weird sh*t with her.”But writer and ex-wife to actor Josh Lucas, Jessica Ciencin Henriquez – who was photographed on a date with Armie in September – also weighed in on the scandal on Twitter, insisting the DMs were in fact real.Another recent girlfriend of Hammer’s last week gave a tell-all interview detailing her disturbing experiences with the actor, who she alleges told her he wanted to “break her rib, barbecue and eat it”.Hammer opened up about his sexual appetites in a very candid 2013 interview with Playboy magazine, telling the outlet: “Well, if you’re married to a feminist as I am, then it’s … I don’t know how much we can put here without my parents being embarrassed, but I used to like to be a dominant lover.“I liked the grabbing of the neck and the hair and all that. But then you get married and your sexual appetites change. And I mean that for the better – it’s not like I’m suffering in any way. But you can’t really pull your wife’s hair. It gets to a point where you say, ‘I respect you too much to do these things that I kind of want to do.’”
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