The 22-year-old American admits to feeling depressed and unmotivated in the early stages of the pandemic, particularly on the back of her stunning success in the Australian Open in January.“It was supposed to be the best year after winning a slam, and then this COVID happened. So obviously it took a big toll on me. I was quite disappointed, pretty unmotivated,” she says.“At the beginning our practices weren’t the best, motivation. It was quite depressing, to be honest.”But with the help of her father and coach Alex, Kenin lifted and made the most of a local private court to practice intensely during the period when international tournaments were cancelled.The Motorola ambassador says she’s excited to be returning to the scene of her first grand slam victory, hoping to make it back to back titles.“It brings back a lot of great memories. So I’m super excited to be here, even though with these tough conditions. I’m getting through it. I’m not complaining at all, obviously, it’s tough, not easy. But everyone’s going through this, this is something we have to go through in order to be free. I guess after the two weeks we’ll explore the beautiful city and then get to have some great action ahead of us.”
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