Kyrgios has written to her on the TV camera and before his match on Wednesday night, he posted that he was missing Passari.“Miss u Chizzel,’’ he wrote alongside a smiley face.After his incredible comeback win on Wednesday night Kyrgios stepped it up: “Love U Chizz” along with a heart.All appears to be on track with the relationship after some strange recent activity. Passari posted a cryptic message on her Instagram account condemning “cheaters”.“Cheaters always want you to be loyal while they’re being unfaithful,’’ she posted.Soon after she made her account private, but it hasn’t stopped her following growing by almost half since Kyrgios has taken to the court this week.
After his first round win Kyrgios dismissed suggestions he’d split from Passari, despite him deleting a number of pictures of himself and Passari including the most recent snap from New Year’s Day. At the press conference he said: “I’m extremely lucky to even be in my position. I’m healthy, I’ve got great friends, great family, an amazing girlfriend back home — I’m blessed.”The pair started dating in the middle of last year and soon became inseparable.
She often wrote that she was obsessed with world no. 47 Kyrgios, while he wasn’t hiding his feelings either.Kyrgios split with his ex-girlfriend Anna Kalinskaya in May last year.“We just went our separate ways,’’ he told fans during a video game live stream.“Unfortunately things didn’t work out. We had some fun memories.”Kyrgios faces a huge match against last year’s finalist Dominic Thiem on Friday, no doubt with his girlfriend’s love and support at the forefront of his mind.
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