Biden Takes Action To Reduce Lead Exposure For 1.2 Million Americans A Year

President Biden has taken action that will reduce lead exposure for 1.2 million Americans a year.

According to a White House fact sheet:

Today, as we continue to mark National Lead Poisoning Prevention Week, the Biden-Harris
Administration is taking action to further reduce lead exposure by issuing a final Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) rule to strengthen requirements for the removal of lead paint dust in pre-1978 housing and child care facilities.

Today’s final rule sets new standards for lead abatement activities that will better protect children and communities from the harmful effects of exposure to dust generated from lead paint. The rule will help protect people in communities across the country from these harms, and is expected to reduce the lead exposures of up to nearly 1.2 million people every year, providing public health and economic benefits up to 30 times greater than the costs. Although the United States banned lead-based paint in residences in 1978, an estimated 31 million houses built before 1978 still contain lead-based paint, and 3.8 million are home to one or more child under the age of six, putting them at risk of lead exposure.

Since the announcement of the Biden-Harris Lead Pipe and Paint Action Plan, the Administration has taken hundreds of actions across more than 10 agencies to reduce the risk of lead poisoning in
drinking water, paint, soil, food and household products, the workplace, and to combat lead exposure internationally – including more than 100 actions in the past year alone.

“Too often our children, the most vulnerable residents of already overburdened communities, are the
most profoundly impacted by the toxic legacy of lead-based paint,” said EPA Administrator Michael S. Regan. “EPA is getting the lead out of communities nationwide. These protections will reduce lead
exposures for hundreds of thousands of people every year, helping kids grow up healthy and meet their full potential.”

President Biden

is still taking action to help the American people and save lives across the country. Biden promised to keep working after he left the presidential race and he has kept that promise. The President has also recently taken action to wipe out more student loan debt.

Biden will be able to keep helping Americans and using his presidential power to help regular Americans every day until noon on January 20, 2025.

Joe Biden is continuing to deliver for the American people even  as his time in office is coming closer to its end.

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