Democratic Congressman Pens Racist ‘Dear White People’ Message: ‘Some of You Are Too Far Gone’

This writer regrets to inform you that leftists and Democrats were actually right.

Rampant racism and deeply embedded bigotry are alive and thriving in this country. The left has been tragically correct on this matter.

They just haven’t been particularly forthcoming about where all that racism and bigotry is coming from.

Spoiler alert: The call is coming from inside the house.

Soon-to-be former Democratic New York Rep. Jamaal Bowman — perhaps best known as an emasculated member of the progressive and anti-Semitic “squad” and/or Captain Fire Alarm and/or the jabroni who lost “the most expensive primary race ever”  — took to the social media platform X on Tuesday to launch a vile (and yes, very racist) screed against white people.

Full disclosure: Not sure if you could tell by my last name, but I’m not white, so Bowman’s attack isn’t even directed at me. I still find it utterly abhorrent.

Here are some choice selections of Bowman’s multi-post tirade full of misinformation:

“Dear White People,” the defeated representative began. “I don’t know why I feel the need to keep talking to you. I don’t know why part of me still has hope for you and for us.

“Some of you are too far gone. But maybe enough of you aren’t and will join us in fighting to end white supremacy.”

“White supremacy,” you say? Surely Bowman has some concrete examples of this.

To give you an idea of Bowman’s room temperature IQ, his first example was immediately slapped with a Community Note:

“The first Black man I saw violently attacked on camera was Rodney King,” Bowman whined. “Those officers were acquitted.”

(Fact check: Two of the four officers were convicted, actually.)

Bowman then rattled off a list of regurgitated leftist narratives, most of which have been debunked. He cited Eric Garner (who was selling illegal cigarettes) and the “I can’t breathe” video. He cited Philando Castile (whose shooter has since been fired and his family walked away with millions from the city). He — of course — cited George Floyd and all the baggage that came with that incident.

Bowman’s point is clear: Black people are in constant danger thanks to white people, or something like that.

Bowman eventually eulogized Jordan Neely, the mentally disturbed subway vagrant who threatened passengers and died after a confrontation with Marine veteran Daniel Penny in May 2023, before lumping Penny in with Kyle Rittenhouse as examples of white supremacy run amok.

(Penny and Rittenhouse were both acquitted by a jury of their peers, to give you an idea of how much Democrats actually care about rule and law.)

To all this, I just have to say to Bowman: Shut up you whiny twit and literal loser.

You want to know why you lost your primary election — and became the first “squad” member to do so? Exactly because of appallingly divisive rhetoric like this.

It takes all of a 30-second search on the FBI’s database to find that while black people are most often the victims of crimes, they are also the primary perpetrators.

That sort of flies in the face of Bowman’s contrived narrative, no?

Look, any death is tragic in its own unique way, but the way Bowman and Democrats conveniently forget much-needed context just has to be called out.

It also can’t be ignored that Bowman’s screed comes on the heels of a highly publicized shooting, but it involves a white man shooting the United Healthcare CEO (also a white man), so why bring it up?

The lack of intellectual honesty is appalling, but what should we seriously expect from a doofus who pulled a fire alarm to derail a vote?

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

The post Democratic Congressman Pens Racist ‘Dear White People’ Message: ‘Some of You Are Too Far Gone’ appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.