EXCLUSIVE: Prominent Ukrainian Lawmaker Says Ukraine Is Ready for Peace Now

OSTN Staff

Guest post by Joe Hoft at JoeHoft.com – republished with permission.

A top Ukrainian official says that Ukraine is ready to end the war with Russia.

Sherronna Bishop interviewed a prominent Ukrainian lawmaker this past week in Brussels. Svyatoslav Piskun, the former three-time Prosecutor General of Ukraine, a Former Parliament Member of Ukraine, and current President of Union of Lawyers of Ukraine dropped some huge news during this interview.

Piskun questions the billions of dollars sent to Ukraine that poured into the hands of NGOs and never made it to the people.

“He questions the competency of those around President Zelensky who are calling all the shots, and he says Ukraine is ready for peace now!”

This is a huge interview. Watch below.

In a powerful & truthful interview, I spoke with Svyatoslav Piskun, former Prosecutor General of Ukraine, former Deputy Secretary of National Security & Defense Council of Ukraine, Former Parliament Member of Ukraine and current President of Union of Lawyers of Ukraine is blowing the whistle on –

*Billions of dollars pouring into Soros NGO’s and never reaching the people..

*Incompetent Leadership

*the actual death toll and more..

@ZelenskyyUa was forced to respond in his recent AP interview.

@TuckerCarlson @realDonaldTrump @realJoeHoft

Watch the video:

The post EXCLUSIVE: Prominent Ukrainian Lawmaker Says Ukraine Is Ready for Peace Now appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.