Did the U.S. Provoke Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine?

OSTN Staff

Scott Horton of The Libertarian Institute and Eli Lake of The Free Press debate the resolution, “The United States started the new Cold War with Russia and provoked Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.”

Taking the affirmative is Horton, the director of The Libertarian Institute and the editorial director of antiwar.com. He recently published a book on the debate subject called Provoked: How Washington Started the New Cold War with Russia and the Catastrophe in Ukraine.

Arguing for the negative is Lake, a columnist for The Free Press and contributing editor for Commentary magazine, whose longtime beat has been foreign affairs and national security.

The debate was hosted at Dartmouth University by the Dartmouth Political Union and moderated by Soho Forum director Gene Epstein.

The post Did the U.S. Provoke Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine? appeared first on Reason.com.