Are you a law student, judicial law clerk, or lawyer hoping to publish your first, second, or third law review article related to free speech law? Would you like the opportunity to get advice about your draft from leading free speech scholars?
If so, send us your draft by May 15, 2025. (This should still be a draft article, not an article that’s already published or expected to be published within six months or less.) We plan to select the submissions that we think are particularly promising, and invite their authors to a workshop—planned for early in the Fall—where they can present their papers and get helpful feedback on them. We have funds to pay for transportation and lodging for the selected authors’ trips.
We also plan to officially recognize up to three of the top articles among those we review, and possibly give honorable mention to some additional number as well. If the authors wish, they can also have their articles reviewed for publication in the Journal of Free Speech Law (, presumably after they revise the articles in light of the workshop feedback.
If you’re interested, please submit your draft at (Google logon required). Please single-space, and format the article nicely, so we can more easily read it.
Please do not include your name or law school affiliation in the document, and please do not include an author’s note thanking your advisors and others. We want to review the article drafts without knowing the authors’ identities.
Eligibility is limited to people who have so far published two or fewer law review articles. The in-person workshop will take place so long as enough high-quality submissions are received.
If you have questions, please check; if your question isn’t answered there, please e-mail
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Eugene Volokh, Thomas M. Siebel Senior Fellow, Hoover Institution (Stanford University), and Gary T. Schwartz Distinguished Professor of Law Emeritus, UCLA School of Law
James Weinstein, Dan Cracchiolo Chair in Constitutional Law and Professor of Law, Sandra Day O’Connor College of Law, Arizona State University
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