Unhinged Comedian Bill Burr Says Billionaires Deserve to be ‘Put Down Like Rabid Dogs’ (AUDIO)

OSTN Staff

The last time we checked in on comedian Bill Burr, he was saying that the authorities in California ‘did a great job’ during the disastrous fires.

Now, he is going full Bernie Sanders and claiming that billionaires deserve to die like rabid dogs. What happened to this guy?

There is this bizarre concept on the left that if someone else has more than you, they are to blame for you having less. It makes absolutely no sense and it’s pure class warfare. Who is helped by instigating envy in other people?

Apparently, he made these comments on his own podcast.

Men’s Journal has details:

“The amount of people that are struggling out there because of these f–king billionaires, and they got us all arguing liberal and conservative,” Burr ranted, referring to the current state of politics. “We gotta stop doing that, like I am so tired of hearing about people going to bed worried about what’s going to happen next week. There is so much f–king money in this country, and there is so much work being done.

“And if you work a whole f–king week at a job, you should be able to pay your f–king rent,” he lamented. “You shouldn’t have to go out and get another f–king job and still be struggling. It’s bad for the country ’cause the kids don’t see their parents and they’re not getting the upbringing they need.”

“These f–king billionaires! They need to be put down, you know? Like f–king rabid dogs,” Burr continued. “They’re rabid with f–king greed, and just going out and just dividing everybody.”

Here’s the audio clip:

Some people have suggested that this is due to the influence of his wife, who is supposedly a big lefty. Either way, the guy needs to chill. His violent rhetoric is crossing a line.

The post Unhinged Comedian Bill Burr Says Billionaires Deserve to be ‘Put Down Like Rabid Dogs’ (AUDIO) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.