Senator John Kennedy Offers Sheryl Crow and Democrats Some Hilarious Advice: ‘Try Harder Not To Suck’

OSTN Staff

Sen. John Kennedy (R-LA) offered up some advice to the Democrat Party that, quite honestly, they should probably heed right now.

And he did so in a fashion that only he can deliver. Kennedy might consider the stand-up comedy circuit when he retires from Congress.

The senator responded to musician Sheryl Crow’s recent ‘look at me’ moment regarding her Tesla.

Crow went viral after posting an Instagram video showing her selling her Tesla because Elon Musk is evil … or something. In the post, she noted that she had donated the money to Democrat media darling NPR.

“There comes a time when you have to decide who you are willing to align with. So long, Tesla,” she wrote.

Crow’s net worth is roughly $70 million. She gave her money to Tesla because, presumably, they must have aligned with her values, being an electric car. Wonder what has changed recently? Oh yeah – Trump.

John Kennedy Nukes Sheryl Crow

Sen. John Kennedy, in an interview with Sean Hannity, took a moment to address Sheryl Crow’s virtue-signalling stunt. This morphed into general advice for Democrats and their supporters.

“I think she means well, but if she ever had a clever thought, it died alone and afraid,” Kennedy said of the famously one-ply toilet paper user.

But wait, it gets better.

“Look, you just gotta try harder not to suck,” implored Kennedy.

Newsflash – They’re not even trying at this point, let alone trying harder.

“The party is being controlled, right now, by people who majored in online activism with a minor in puberty blockers,” he added. “I know these people. They think men can breastfeed!” 

“Most fair-minded Americans look at this, and they go, ‘These people are about ten exits past normal!” Kennedy said. 

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He’s A National Treasure

This likely isn’t the first time Sen. John Kennedy’s take on something left you belly-laughing. It’s almost assuredly not going to be the last time, either.

In 2023, his quips and one-liners brought down the house and kept attendees to the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) in stitches.

“The truth is that Americans aren’t perfect. We’re not,” Kennedy said at the time. “But the other side is crazy.”

They haven’t gotten any less crazy since that speech, either.

“Americans do not deserve to be governed by deeply weird … people who hate George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln, Dr. Seuss, and Mr. Potatohead, who hyperventilate on their yoga mats if you use the wrong pronoun,” he continued.

“They think kids should be able to change their gender at recess … and think they are better than us.”

In a hearing earlier this year regarding Russ Vought’s nomination for director of the Office of Management and Budget, he had the room cracking up with his assessment that the nominee would bring common sense to the department.

“You’re going to be challenging the status quo. You’re going to be called crazy. Many people also called Noah crazy,” Kennedy said. “And then the rains came, and all the fact checkers died.”

Simply a thing of beauty. We recommend any time you have an opportunity to watch Senator John Kennedy’s in action, take it. It is always entertaining.

The post Senator John Kennedy Offers Sheryl Crow and Democrats Some Hilarious Advice: ‘Try Harder Not To Suck’ appeared first on The Political Insider.