If you use WhatsApp regularly, chances are you’ve spotted the login status next to the name of some of your contacts. Though WhatsApp makes your online status visible to everyone by default, you can easily change it.
WhatsApp online status
WhatsApp online status allows users to see the last time their contacts were active on the platform and whether they are currently using the app.
When someone is “online,” it doesn’t necessarily mean they’ve seen your message – it simply means they’re currently using the app. “Last seen” refers to the last time the person used WhatsApp and also doesn’t mean that they have seen your most recent message. The only way to tell if someone has seen your message is the blue checkmarks beside the message.
If you don’t want your WhatsApp contacts to know your “last seen” or online status, you can easily hide your status from everyone, or make it available to only your contacts, through the app’s settings.
Here’s how to hide your online status on WhatsApp.