How Trump Imperils Free Markets and Personal Liberties

OSTN Staff


Jeff Bezos, owner of the Washington Post, recently said the Post opinion page should be “writing every day in support and defense of two pillars: personal liberties and free markets.” This inspired Post columnist Dana Milbank to write a helpful piece outlining some of the many ways in which the new Trump administration threatens those values:

Personal liberties and free markets are part of the American creed. But many readers I’ve heard from suspect the words are cover for a plan to turn this into a MAGA-friendly outlet.

I don’t yet know for sure. But this much is clear: If we as a newspaper, and we as a country, are to defend his twin pillars, then we must redouble our fight against the single greatest threat to “personal liberties and free markets” in the United States today: President Donald Trump…..

Claiming monarchical powers, attacking the free press, starting trade wars, cutting off legal immigration, siding with despots over free countries, politicizing law enforcement and the military, assaulting the judicial system and injecting crony capitalism at the highest levels of government: These are all the very antithesis of “personal liberties and free markets.”

Milbank also interviewed me about this issue, and quoted a few things I said:

“I think, and many of us (libertarians) think, that the Trump administration is very bad on these metrics of both economic and personal liberty,” [Somin] told me. “The massive trade wars that he’s starting right and left go against Econ 101 as well as any libertarian principle. There’s the mass deportation and immigration restrictions, which restrict both economic and personal liberty on a massive scale. There’s his attacks on the freedom of the press, which are also troubling,” as is Trump’s “kissing the rear end of dictators like Vladimir Putin.”

Somin likes some of Trump’s efforts to cut regulations and taxes, but “if you look at the cumulative impact … the horrible things Trump is doing massively outweigh many times over the good that he might do in a few areas.”

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