Ms Grecko, an amateur rapper and former stripper who calls herself GLittA FoxX, took to Instagram on Friday to hit back at claims that she had not seen Edelsten for years.“It’s interesting people saying I didn’t see Geoffrey for two years. How?” the Instagram post read. “Did you hear about that pandemic last year??? When all the borders were closed and the Australian border is still closed.”She said the couple are “still married” but went on and said Edelsten was being “blackmailed not to talk to me and was very ill”.“This has not been easy. I’m so f**king sick of people telling me how I do and don’t feel … don’t tell me how to grieve, how to feel, that I didn’t love him,” the post continued. “You’ve never been in my shoes.“I will grieve in a healthy way however I choose to. But death and loss is a big thing for me please stop the (bullshit).”Ms Grecko, who has started referring to herself as “Widow FoxX”, took to Instagram later on Friday to post photos of her in a Carlton guernsey. “The one thing he was the MOST passionate about was the Carlton footy team,” the Instagram post read. “We went ever week, watched every game and I have this (guernsey) still.”Edelsten’s former wife said in the comments section that posting pictures of Edelsten helped her to grieve.“It’s not for attention,” she said.Ms Grecko posted a comment from a follower earlier this week, which claimed that Edelsten “intends to leave (Grecko) something in his last will”.“(Edelsten) told me that Gabi is the only woman that he has ever loved and that he can never love another woman,” the commenter said.Edelsten and Ms Grecko wed in June 2015 in a low-key registry service in the back of a North Melbourne shop. She was 26 and he was 72.They memorably posed for their official wedding photos among bins and graffiti in Melbourne’s Hosier Lane.
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