On Thursday, while filming the upcoming Sex and the City reboot titled And Just Like That, in Manhattan’s NoHo neighborhood, Sarah Jessica Parker was spotted in yet another eye-catching look. This time, she traded in her vintage jumpsuit (and double-bag) look for a more colorful alternative: a sequin-covered rainbow dress. She styled it with an oversized men’s button-down shirt — a Katie Holmes-approved wardrobe staple — and brass-colored platforms from Saint Laurent.
The look is further proof that you can dress up an understated staple, like a button-down, by pairing it with an eye-catching dress and bold heels. Parker’s Sex and the City character, Carrie Bradshaw, has been doing this all along, dating back to when the show first started in 1998. There was the white bias slip dress that she wore when she ran into Mr. Big outside of his engagement party (Season 2, Episode 18), which she jazzed up with a beaded bag and bedazzled sandals. Two seasons later (Season 4, Episode 9), she dressed down a Kermit green Vivienne Westwood mini skirt with a fuzzy rabbit tail-bustle by pairing it with a crisp white button-down. Camisoles with sequin midi skirts (Season 2, Episode 18), pencil skirts with literal crowns (Season 5 promo), tutus with tank tops (opening credits) — the statement-basic mixer is as much a Carrie signature as her Manolo Blahniks.
Suffice to say, we’re glad to see that despite SATC costume designer Patricia Field not signing on for And Just Like That — she’s preoccupied with dressing Lily Collins in Chanel jackets and Christian Siriano gowns on the set of Emily In Paris — we’re still going to get to witness plenty of sartorial signatures from our favorite West Village resident in the forthcoming reboot.
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The Double-Bag Look Is SJP-Approved
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