Ready to start getting tweets right from the source, but not sure where to start? We’ve got you covered.
We’ve created a guide to answer all your burning questions about how to use Twitter from how to send a DM to how to schedule a tweet. By the time you finish this article you’ll be a Twitter expert.
Follow the steps below to learn how to use Twitter.
How to create a Twitter account
1. Go to Twitter’s website
2. Select how you want to sign up. Your options are via Google, Apple, phone number, or email and follow the steps. We will walk you through how to sign up with phone number or email.
Credit: screenshot: twitter
3. Enter your information. Then select “Next.”
4. Twitter will send you a text or email to verify your account
5. Verify your account by clicking the link Twitter texted or emailed you
6. Customize your Twitter! You’ll be prompted to fill in fields about your interests, who you’d like to follow, and what you’d like your @name to be.
How to make your Twitter account private on desktop
Choosing to “Protect your Tweets,” also known as “going private,” might be for you. It means your posts and info will be visible only to followers, and that prospective new followers have to get your permission first.
1. Go to the Twitter website
2. Select “More” on the right hand side of the screen
Credit: screenshot: twitter
3. Select “Settings and privacy”
Credit: screenshot: twitter
4. Select “Audience and tagging”
Credit: screenshot: twitter
5. Select “Protect your Tweets”
Credit: screenshot: Twitter
How to make your Twitter account private on the app
1. Open the Twitter app
2. Swipe right anywhere and a menu will come from the left side of the screen
3. Tap “Settings and privacy” at the bottom of the screen
Credit: screenshot: twitter
4. Tap “Privacy and safety”
Credit: screenshot: twitter
5. Tap the white circle next to “Protect your Tweets”
Credit: screenshot: twitter
How to send a DM on Twitter on desktop
1. Go to the Twitter website
2. Select “Messages” on the right hand side of the screen or in the lower right hand corner of the screen
Credit: screenshot: twitter
3. Select the envelope icon to create a new message
Credit: screenshot: twitter
4. Search for the Twitter user you want to dm and select that user
5. Select “Next”
Credit: screenshot: twitter
6. Compose your message and select the arrow in the bottom left hand corner to send it
Credit: screenshot: twitter
If you want to DM someone a tweet, select the arrow below the tweet in the right hand corner. Then select “Send via Direct Message.” Search the user you want to dm and select the arrow in the bottom right hand corner to send the tweet via dm.
How to send a DM on the Twitter app
1. Open the Twitter app
2. Select the envelope in the bottom right hand corner
Credit: screenshot: twitter
3. Select the blue envelope in the lower right hand corner.
Credit: screenshot: twitter
4. Search for the user you want to dm, and select their name.
5. Compose your message and select the arrow in the bottom left hand corner to send it
Credit: screenshot: twitter
How to search for tweets on desktop
1. Go to the Twitter website
2. Click the search bar in the upper right hand corner
Credit: screenshot: twitter
3. Type out the tweet you’re searching for and hit the enter button
Mashable found that the search function isn’t super helpful, so we recommend using Twitter’s advanced search option to find a specific tweet. To perform an advanced search, after you search for something select the three dots next to the search bar on the results page. From there you can narrow your search to only, for instance, a certain user, or a certain range of dates, which will yield better results.
How to search for tweets on app
1. Open Twitter app
2. Tap the magnifying glass on the bottom of the screen
Credit: screenshot: twitter
3. Type out the tweet you’re searching for and select search
Credit: screenshot: twitter
You can’t perform an advanced search on the app, but you can add search filters after searching something by selecting the lines with circles to the right of the search bar.
How to schedule tweets
To schedule tweets, use TweetDeck. It is currently available as a website, and as a desktop app for Mac.
1. Go to the TweetDeck website or open the TweetDeck desktop app for Mac
2. Select the feather in the upper right hand corner
Credit: Screenshot: twitter
3. Type out your tweet in the text box
4. Select “Schedule Tweet”
Credit: screenshot: twitter
5. Select date and time you want the tweet to be sent out
6. Select “Tweet at [time you want the tweet to be sent out]”
Credit: screenshot: twitter
How to reply to a tweet
1. Go to the Twitter website or open the Twitter app
2. Select the speech bubble below the tweet you want to reply to
Credit: screenshot: twitter
3. Type out your reply and select “Reply”
Credit: screenshot: twitter
How to retweet on Twitter
1. Go to the Twitter website or open the Twitter app
2. Select the two arrows beneath the tweet you want to retweet
Credit: screenshot: twitter
3. Select “Retweet”
Credit: screenshot: twitter
If the tweet was tweeted by a private account you won’t be able to retweet it.
What is a quote tweet
A quote tweet allows you to retweet a tweet with your own choice of text above it, so you are quoting the original tweet and adding context or commentary.
How to quote tweet
1. Go to the Twitter website or open the Twitter app
2. Select the two arrows beneath the tweet you want to quote tweet.
Credit: screenshot: twitter
3. Select “Quote Tweet”
Credit: screenshot: twitter
4. Type out your response to the tweet and select “Tweet.”
Credit: screenshot: twitter
If the tweet was tweeted by a private account you won’t be able to quote tweet it.
How to delete your Twitter account
To delete your Twitter account you have to first deactivate it. When you deactivate your account your username and profile won’t be visible on Twitter. Twitter gives you a 30-day period of deactivation during which you can revive your account before Twitter permanently deletes it. If you login to your account before the 30-day period of deactivation is up, you can revive it.
How to delete your Twitter account on desktop
1. Go to the Twitter website
2. Select “More” on the right hand side of your screen
Credit: screenshot: twitter
3. Select “Settings and Privacy”
Credit: screenshot: twitter
4. Select “Deactivate Account”
Credit: screenshot: twitter
5. Confirm you want to deactivate your account by selecting “Deactivate”
Credit: screenshot: twitter
How to delete your Twitter account on the Twitter app
1. Open the Twitter app
2. Swipe right anywhere and a menu will come from the left side of the screen
3. Scroll down and select “Settings and privacy”
Credit: screenshot: Twitter
4. Tap “Account”
5. Tap “Deactivate your account”
Credit: screenshot: twitter
6. Confirm you want to deactivate your account by selecting “Deactivate”
Credit: Screenshot: twitter
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