Bill Maher Rips Boy Scouts Over Politically Correct Name Change: ‘This is the Kind of Thing That Gets Trump Elected’ (VIDEO)

OSTN Staff

The Boy Scouts of America has officially changed its name to ‘Scouting America’ in order to be more inclusive, now that girls can join the group.

It’s not entirely clear why this was even needed, considering the fact that the ‘Girl Scouts’ already exists.

On Friday night, Bill Maher slammed this decision on his HBO show, noting that this is just the type of thing that makes people back Trump.

It is about more than that, but Bill does have a point.

Partial transcript via Real Clear Politics:

BILL MAHER: Now that the Boy Scouts of America is just going by scout… Oh, God, yes. This is right up your alley. The Boy Scouts. Yes, it’s been in the works for years.

It’s just – it’s such an Onion headline. The whole f*cking country is such an Onion headline. The Boy Scouts of America. It cannot be called Boy Scouts anymore because it’s exclusionary. Like there isn’t a Girl Scouts? Like this is some sort of crime against nature that we each — people are different. It’s now Scouting America.

FORMER REP. TIM RYAN (D-OH):` In the first segment, we were talking about what are we giving young boys? What kind of structure? What kind of discipline? What kind of education? A lot of those projects are really difficult. I was not in the Boy Scouts and would have probably never made it. But those are difficult. They have to achieve. They have to put forth effort. They have to overcome obstacles…

MAHER: But I mean this is the kind of thing that gets Trump elected. This is the kind, I’ve said it a million times here. The Democrats, you lost a crazy contest to a crazy person.

KID ROCK: It started decades ago, in my opinion. It started decades ago with timeouts and last-place participation trophies. And sorry to put it so harsh, but it seems to me like we lost a good portion of a few generations of men who’ve just turned into complete f*cking p*ssies.

Watch the video below:

It is sad to see such a once iconic organization bend a knee to woke culture like this. It could certainly affect their ability to recruit new members.

The post Bill Maher Rips Boy Scouts Over Politically Correct Name Change: ‘This is the Kind of Thing That Gets Trump Elected’ (VIDEO) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.