Breaking BIG… President Trump Tells US Governors: ‘For Safety and Security and for the Good of Our Nation – You Should Move to Paper Ballots’ (Video)

OSTN Staff

President Trump tells US governors for the security and safety of our nation go to paper ballots. – white house screengrab

President Donald Trump delivered remarks to the National Governor’s Association on Friday night in Washington DC.

According to The Hill, the assembled governors included Democratic Govs. Josh Shapiro of Pennsylvania, Wes Moore of Maryland, Andy Beshear of Kentucky, Jared Polis of Colorado, and Kathy Hochul of New York, as well as Republican Govs. Brian Kemp of Georgia, Mike DeWine of Ohio, Sarah Huckabee Sanders of Arkansas, Kim Reynolds of Iowa, Mike Braun of Indiana and DeSantis.

During his speech to the governors President Trump told the gathered leaders that they must switch to paper ballots and same-day voting.

President Donald Trump: One other thing, just before we leave, I think you should do this. For safety and security and for the good of our nation, you should do it anyway, regardless, even if it costs 10 times more, but it actually costs you just a tiny fraction.

If you went to paper ballots in you’re voting, and I would hope that every Republican would. So it costs exactly 8% of what the machines cost. These machines, they got something going. They They get business. It’s amazing. So paper ballots, and paper is very sophisticated today. Paper, it’s called watermark. It’s impossible to copy, impossible to cheat. It’s actually hard to believe that a piece of paper is highly sophisticated, but it’s watermark, and it’s amazing, actually, when you see it. You can’t cheat.

But if you went to paper ballots and same-day voting, and if you went to voter ID, and also one other thing, you want a proof of citizenship. Those four things, proof of citizenship, voter ID, paper ballots, one-day voting. And if you went to two-day voting or three-day voting. But some of these states, you had 64 days. California just finished up just a short while ago.

They were voting a week and a half ago. They’re trying to finish them up. And other states, too. They were weeks after the election. I mean, if that were a close election, you’d have to wait for weeks and weeks and weeks. You got to finish fast, Brian. Thank you for your help. We did very well in Georgia. It was very nice. But some of these states, if you had a close election, you wouldn’t know who won. And then once that happens, then you really never know who won.

But you would save tens of millions of dollars, forgetting about right, wrong, and security, safety, our country, our Constitution, and all of this. Number one, you’d have a much safer election. Number two everybody. You know the results of your election by 10: 00. Everybody. It’s a beautiful system. It’s boxes of 5,000. Boom, boom. And you can go and examine each box. It’s so simple and so good.

I did ask Elon because he knows more about computers than anybody. And I said, What do you think of the voting system? He said, Computers are not meant for voting. It’s just not a good… It’s too many transactions taking place too quickly.

It’s just not… He said, Honestly… And I’ve gone to the best people, the smartest computer minds from MIT from others. My uncle was a professor for 41 years at MIT and a brilliant guy. And I got to know a lot of the people up there, and they will tell you that the most secure way that you can secure the election, and probably the fastest way, because there can be very little hanky panky, is paper ballots. Can you believe So I hope, Sarah, that certainly the Republican governors. But if you want to save a lot of money, you go to paper ballots. It’ll cost you 8% of what the costs are now. And that’s based on a good deal for machines.

And then when you go through the days and weeks and months of waiting,

France had mail-in ballots. Any time you have mail-in ballots, you’re going to have fraud without question. And France had it, and they went back to paper ballots. And I saw their election, and their election was over at nine o’clock, and their numbers came in at 10: 05. There were no complaints. They had a winner, they had a loser.

39 million votes, and it was done. We’re one of the only people that has now mail-in voting, one of the only countries that has mail-in voting.

Video via Derrick Evans.

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