Donald Trump’s angry words darken Independence Day celebrations in the US

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Facing a tough re-election battle in November and eager to mobilise his political base, Donald Trump denounced “violent mayhem” on ...

‘They make refugees invisible’: Life inside Greece’s teeming migrant camps during coronavirus

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Migrants are frustrated with the fifth extension of the lockdown in camps, saying it makes their lives even more difficult. ...

Symphony concert staged on China’s Mount Huashan goes live online

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The Xi’an Symphony Orchestra staged an online concert on one of China’s five sacred mountains, Mount Huashan in Huayin City, ...

WHO discontinues hydroxychloroquine and lopinavir/ritonavir treatment arms for COVID-19

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WHO today accepted the recommendation from the Solidarity Trial’s International Steering Committee to discontinue the trial’s hydroxychloroquine and lopinavir/ritonavir arms. ...

Opposition calls for criminal investigation into quarantine fiasco

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The state opposition has called for a criminal investigation into Victoria’s COVID-19 hotel quarantine fiasco. Powered by WPeMatico

Fears for more lockdowns as police guard 3000 residents

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This coronavirus article is unlocked and free to read in the interest of community health and safety. Get full digital ...

Grim sign COVID-19 has decimated Melbourne CBD

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Melbourne’s city centre is in crisis. Powered by WPeMatico

Generous Victorians rise to help residents in lockdown

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As rain fell on the locked-down Sutton St flats in North Melbourne on Saturday night, faces were pressed up against ...

Thousands raised for trapped Victorians

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Just hours after Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews locked down nine public housing apartment blocks, almost $120,000 has been raised to ...

NHS workers hold vigil to mark organisation’s 72nd anniversary

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A group of British health workers held a candlelit vigil outside Downing Street to mark the 72- year anniversary of ...

What is the ‘dangerous misinformation’ that is stopping Melburnians getting tested for COVID-19?

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Some Australians have been sharing social media posts saying there is no COVID-19 pandemic and test kits are “contaminated”. Powered ...

As US coronavirus infections surge, Donald Trump heads to Mt Rushmore for fireworks

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On the eve of Independence Day, Mr Trump is to speak in the shadow of four notable predecessors: George Washington, ...

Ineligble for Medicare and unable to return to Peru, Ines is facing a $500,000 medical bill

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Ines Oscategui Rodriguez needs a bone marrow transplant, but because she’s ineligible for government health benefits due to her visa ...

Meet Tokyo’s zombies

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A Japanese performance group is starting a run of drive-in horror shows for those who crave close-up frights from ghouls ...

Quick and easy tasty chicken dinners

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Next suburbs facing lockdown revealed

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This coronavirus article is unlocked and free to read in the interest of community health and safety. Get full digital ...

Vaccine hopes grow but big hurdles exist outside the lab

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There are strong grounds to hope a vaccine will be available by the end of the year, but nobody should ...

Leaked email exposes secret plea to ADF

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A leaked email reveals Victoria pleaded for the military to help monitor the hotel quarantine program 10 days ago, despite ...

Statement of the twenty-fifth polio IHR Emergency Committee

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The twenty-fifth meeting of the Emergency Committee under the International Health Regulations (2005) (IHR) on the international spread of poliovirus ...

Famous artists that changed names

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“We want to meet this moment.” Powered by WPeMatico

Easter Island students return to class after 100 COVID-19-free days

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Life on the remote Easter Island is beginning to return to normal after the population of about 8,000 reported no ...

Taiwan offers fake flights for tourists who miss travel

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Travellers hungry for the travel experience can receive a full fake itinerary from Taiwan’s Songshan airport – complete with passport ...

Donald Trump says he’s ‘all for masks’

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US President Donald Trump, who has previously avoided being seen in public wearing a mask, said he would wear one ...

Old factory helps Afghan virus patients breathe

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An Afghan oxygen factory that had been closed for seven years has opened to help the nation’s battle against the ...

Days after a wedding, a dead groom and dozens of coronavirus cases

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Officials in India have opened an investigation into the gathering after more than 100 wedding guests tested positive for the ...

Coles limits purchases on 24 items

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Victorian and Tasmanian Coles have reinstated more product limits after distribution centre workers tested positive for coronavirus, hurting the supermarkets ...

Drones watch virus hot spots, call for masks on trains and trams

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This coronavirus article is unlocked and free to read in the interest of community health and safety. Get full digital ...

Seven fined as hot spots locked down

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Seven Victorians have been hit with fines for breaching coronavirus restrictions as 10 hot-spot postcodes returned to lockdown restrictions again. ...

Bogged Victorians busted entering SA

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Dan Andrews posed the question: who would want to go to South Australia? Powered by WPeMatico

Hotel points finger as quarantine blame game continues

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As coronavirus cases linked to the Stamford Plaza outbreak continue to grow, management has pointed the finger at the Victorian ...