No new coronavirus cases detected in Victoria but hotel worker confirmed to be infected with UK variant

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Nearly all of an infected hotel quarantine worker’s close contacts have tested negative to COVID-19, as Victoria recorded no new ...

SOS: Send Aussies back to the CBD or we’re sunk

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New figures from Small Business Australia used mobile phone GPS information and Australian Bureau of Statistics data to track foot ...

Aus Open plan to let fans go maskless overruled

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Organisers had told the Saturday Herald Sun masks would not be needed by indoor seated spectators, despite all Victorians being ...

PM to lift caps on international arrivals

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Caps for overseas flights will be expanded for NSW, Queensland, Victoria and South Australia from February 15, Mr Morrison said. ...

COVID-19 alert 350km from Melbourne

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The state chief health officer’s daily COVID-19 statement on Friday afternoon urged anyone who lives in or has visited the ...

No new cases detected in Victoria but hotel worker confirmed to be infected with UK coronavirus variant

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Nearly all of an infected hotel quarantine worker’s close contacts have tested negative to COVID-19, as Victoria recorded no new ...

German sniffer dogs detect COVID-19 with 94% accuracy

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A German veterinary clinic has trained sniffer dogs to detect the novel coronavirus in human saliva samples with 94% accuracy. ...

Victoria records no new coronavirus cases as close contacts of hotel quarantine worker test negative

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A Victorian hotel quarantine worker was confirmed on Wednesday to have tested positive to COVID-19, prompting the state government to ...

Calls for greater federal oversight of quarantine system ahead of national cabinet meeting

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The debate around alternatives to hotel quarantine will continue when national cabinet meets via teleconference on Friday. Powered by WPeMatico

Face masks to be mandatory in WA beyond five-day lockdown

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West Australians will remain subject to a range of restrictions including mandatory face mask use when much of the state ...

Hotel quarantine party a clear code violation

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Last week, COVID Quarantine Victoria wanted to thank some staff of the Australian Open hotel quarantine program.The job wasn’t finished, ...

PM, states set for quarantine showdown

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According to a report in The Australian, Queensland Deputy Premier Steven Miles said it was “time for the federal government ...

Confirmed: Highly contagious strain in Vic

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Victoria’s chief health officer Brett Sutton said on Friday morning genomic sequencing had confirmed the worker had contracted the B.1.1.7 ...

Hotel quarantine shake-up after mystery positive

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The cause of a local case in a 26-year-old Noble Park man is still unknown after the employee returned a ...

No new local COVID-19 cases in Victoria

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More than 14,600 Victorians were swabbed at testing stations across the state on Thursday, the health department said, with the ...

UK PM leads national clap for Captain Tom

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UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson, staff at Bedford Hospital and Paddington Station, and family members of Captain Sir Tom Moore ...

Switzerland rejects AstraZeneca COVID jab

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The Swissmedic regulatory authority said it had been examining information from AstraZeneca but that was “not yet sufficient to permit ...

Infected hotel worker ‘did nothing wrong’

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But after scouring hours of CCTV Premier Daniel Andrews said the vision showed he was a “model employee”.“We are very ...

State restricts Melbourne travellers

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Under the changes, those people entering SA will need to isolate after their first test until a negative result is ...

Andrews: Thousands may isolate as airborne transmission possible

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It emerged last night that a hotel quarantine worker had become infected with COVID-19, prompting a return to harsher COVID-19 ...

Queen’s tribute to UK war hero

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The 100-year-old, who raised $57 million for the UK’s health service, was unable to shake off the bug, which he ...

Russia’s Sputnik V vaccine has ‘high efficacy’ of 91.6 per cent, according to Lancet study

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Scientists gave Russia’s Sputnik V vaccine the green light on Tuesday saying it was almost 92 per cent effective in ...

Palestinians begin COVID-19 vaccinations after Israel shares supply

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The Palestinian Authority administered its first known coronavirus vaccinations after receiving thousands of doses from Israel and a further 5,000 ...

WA records no new local coronavirus cases for a second day after almost 16,500 tests

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Premier Mark McGowan said he was encouraged by the early results but expects the lockdown will last for five days ...

US schools fight coronavirus with UV disinfecting robots

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A robotics company has developed robots that disinfect classrooms using ultraviolet light to kill COVID-19 and allow parents and students ...

Captain Sir Tom Moore dies after testing positive to coronavirus

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Captain Sir Tom Moore has died at the age of 100 after testing positive for COVID-19, his family says. Powered ...

Tool that could end global pandemics

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UNSW’s head of biosecurity research, Raina MacIntyre, has spearheaded an intelligence program called Epiwatch that she is confident could have ...

Pfizer jab safe for elderly Aussies; Virgin suspends flights

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The Therapeutic Goods Administration concluded, following a probe last month, that there was no casual link between the vaccine and ...

State makes a call on compulsory jab

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The state’s Health Minister Martin Foley confirmed on Wednesday that all frontline workers would be offered the jab under the ...

Another day of zero cases, vaccine details revealed

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There were 16,142 tests recorded in the past 24 hours, the Department of Health announced on Wednesday morning.The state’s vaccine ...