Former NIH Director Does Cringeworthy Musical Performance at Anti-Trump Rally (VIDEO)

OSTN Staff

Can someone please call the Democrats and ask them to stop singing songs? The cringe is getting difficult to take.

Dr. Francis Collins, former director of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), busted out a guitar at an anti-Trump event and began banging away as if he was Woody Guthrie or something. The result was so off the charts bad that it’s difficult to describe.

Why do they think this is a good idea?

The Daily Caller reported:

At Anti-Trump Rally, Former NIH Director Sings The Same Way He Practices Science

Former National Institutes of Health Director Francis Collins sang during an anti-Trump rally in video posted on social media Friday.

Collins, who retired in December 2021 after he was appointed in 2009 by then-President Barack Obama, came under fire during the COVID-19 pandemic for trying to shut down “The Great Barrington Declaration,” which criticized the COVID-19 lockdowns. Collins joined a “Stand Up For Science” protest that aired on CSPAN2, where he attempted to lead the protesters in a song and teach them lyrics.

“You got that, so it’s all the good people, but the second line, part of this family, the last line, we’re joined together by this noble dream. Do that with me,” Collins said before breaking into the song.

During Collins’ tenure as director of NIH, the agency funded “gain of function” research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) in China via EcoHealth Alliance. Collins refused to answer questions publicly about WIV’s research, even though a lab leak at WIV is suspected to have caused the COVID-19 pandemic.

Scott Jennings recently remarked on CNN:

“Over the last few weeks, there’s been numerous instances of Democrats breaking out into song, and all I’ve been able to discern is that when Democrats are singing, Republicans are winning.”


Democrats are doing themselves no favors with these performances. They seriously need to stop doing it.

The post Former NIH Director Does Cringeworthy Musical Performance at Anti-Trump Rally (VIDEO) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.