Donald Trump accused of making ‘racist’ response to Chinese-born reporter

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The US President abruptly ended a press briefing after responding to an Asian-American reporter’s question by telling her to go ...

French police chase off surfers

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Surfers in southern France defied a government-issued closure of beaches as the country started to ease a nearly two-month long ...

We’re winning but virus battle goes on: PM

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Deputy chief medical officer Michael Kidd has urged people to avoid crowds and guard against complacency in the fight against ...

No new coronavirus cases reported in NSW for the first time since outbreak began

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No new coronavirus cases were recorded in NSW in the 24 hours to 8pm on Monday for the first time ...

Happy international Nurses Day

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<p>On the occasion of the International Day of the Nurse and the 200th anniversary of the birth of Florence Nightingale, ...

How schools plan to stay virus-free as students return

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This coronavirus article is unlocked and free to read in the interest of community health and safety. Get full digital ...

‘A cover-up’: What Australians really think of China

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Australians overwhelmingly suspect Beijing of a cover-up in regards to the coronavirus crisis, and believe China poses almost as big ...

Economic hit of coronavirus could be felt for two years

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It will take nearly two years for Australia’s economy to recover from the impact of the coronavirus lockdown. Powered by ...

What you can and can’t do in Victoria now

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Premier Daniel Andrews has announced that Victorian students will start to return to school from May 26, just two weeks ...

Cook with the pros in Melbourne restaurant masterclasses

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Pivot. In a crowded field, this must surely be up there jostling for Macquarie Dictionary’s 2020 Word of the Year. ...

Coronavirus crisis a ‘once-in-a-generation’ opportunity to reshape economy, Anthony Albanese to say

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Labor leader Anthony Albanese will use a major speech to the caucus to outline how Australia should rebuild its economy ...

Turkey exempts elders from curfew after two-month lockdown

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Turkish citizens over the age of 65 flocked to the country’s streets and parks after the government temporarily lifted a ...

Mike Pence self-isolates after aide tests positive for coronavirus

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A Trump administration official says US Vice President Mike Pence is self-isolating after an aide tested positive for the coronavirus ...

Only 18 Queenslanders sick with COVID-19

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Only 18 Queenslanders remain sick with COVID-19 as students begin to return to the classroom and the sunshine state counts ...

Thirty-five-year-old living in aged care reveals what life is like inside during this pandemic

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Ketra has been forced to live in an aged care facility due to her severe chronic fatigue syndrome. Unable to ...

WHO Statement on false allegations in Der Spiegel

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Der Spiegel reports of a 21 January, 2020, telephone conversation between WHO Director-General Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus and President Xi ...

Love in the time of COVID-19: Bachie to restart filming

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Hugs and kisses could be off the romance ‘checklist’ for The Bachelor, with Channel 10 confirming the dating show is ...

Do you know your lockdown lingo? Test yourself

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Coronavirus has changed how we live — and the language we use. Powered by WPeMatico

Ask The Expert: Getting back to sport

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A RETURN to sport features prominently in the Federal Government’s plan to ease COVID-19 restrictions. Powered by WPeMatico

WATCH LIVE: Andrews reveals road out of lockdown

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This coronavirus article is unlocked and free to read in the interest of community health and safety. Get full digital ...

Everything that’s changing in Victoria from today

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Premier Daniel Andrews is set to announce how Victoria will ease out of coronavirus lockdown restrictions at 11am today. Powered ...

Australian government says it can’t promise complete coronavirus eradication

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Health Minister Greg Hunt says while the number of new COVID-19 cases is low, he can’t promise the virus can ...

Australia backs new EU motion for an investigation into China’s coronavirus response

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The Morrison government is backing a European Union motion for an investigation into the origins of the coronavirus. Powered by ...

‘I get choked up’: Jess Mauboy’s emotional letter to her mum

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Jessica Mauboy needs connection with her family likes she needs oxygen. She usually travels from Sydney to Darwin every couple ...

Joe Exotic clothing sells out in hours

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Tiger King Joe Exotic’s new clothing line sold out within hours, netting more than US $20,000 ($A30,600). in sales, it ...

Cedar Meats workers didn’t use supplied face masks

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Thousands of protective face masks for workers at coronavirus hotspot Cedar Meats were never used. Powered by WPeMatico

Victorian students back to school in two weeks

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Students will head back to Victorian classrooms in two weeks. Powered by WPeMatico

COVID-19 crunch: 100 ways to save money right now

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Household bills and interest rates are the two biggest targets for Australians wanting to save every dollar they can amid ...

Medical Product Alert N°5/2020 – 7 May 2020

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Falsified and contaminated Defibrotide identified in WHO regions of Western Pacific, Europe and Eastern Mediterranean This alert relates to falsified ...

Commemorating Smallpox Eradication – a legacy of hope, for COVID-19 and other diseases

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On 8 May 1980, the 33rd World Health Assembly officially declared: ‘The world and all its peoples have won freedom ...