“The Entire Political Context We’ve Had for 50 Years Has Changed in the Last Month. We Are Now at the End of the Fourth Turning—These People Are Evil,” Says Top Pollster on Trump Momentum (VIDEO)

OSTN Staff

Rasmussen’s Mark Mitchell joins Dave Brat on The War Room.

In a fiery segment on ‘The War Room’ with former Virginia Congressman Dave Brat, Rasmussen Reports’ pollster Mark Mitchell delivered a jaw-dropping analysis of the current political landscape.

Mitchell explained what his organization was witnessing with the recent Trump revolution. He revealed that Donald Trump’s approval rating is currently at an impressive 53%, on an upward trajectory.

Mitchell also compared the current political climate to historical cycles, suggesting that America might be witnessing the end of the “fourth turning,” not with war but with the exposure of government corruption.

Mark Mitchell: Man, I have some good news for you, too. I’m telling you what, the public opinion is lit right now. Things are changing faster than I ever expected.

Dave Brat: I’ve been seeing some polling. That’s why I wanted to talk to you today. I’ve been seeing 70% approval for Trump on keeping his promises and some things like that. But you’re the expert. Lead us through for a minute, and then I’m going to read a couple of ads, and then we’re going to bring you back after the break.

Mark Mitchell: Yeah, what’s incredible is that number you cited actually came from a legacy media outlet. That’s what’s incredible. Once you cut off their USAID funding, mysteriously, all of a sudden, the numbers look like Rasmussen reports. I’ll tell you what, Donald Trump’s approval rating is pretty good right now. It’s 53% today, and it’s on the upswing. That’s incredible because people are watching what the legacy media is calling chaos, and they don’t see it. This is what they voted for. People are happier now than at almost any point in time in our polling as measured by right direction. People are this, and they are happy…

…So what we’re bringing out today is favorability of Doge and Elon Musk, because it looked like everything they threw at Donald Trump over the last eight years hasn’t worked. His approval rating is higher than ever. And believe it or not, there were more people that strongly disapproved of Donald Trump back in January of 2017 than they do today. But guess what? Elon Musk is almost as popular as Trump. His net approval is only two points less right now. And when we asked whether people support or oppose Doge going in and cutting government waste, it’s plus 11, plus 11. They’re popular than the Walt Disney Company is…

…The entire political context in America that we’ve had for the last 50 years has changed in the last month. We are now at the end of the fourth turning. We thought it was going to be World War III, we thought it was going to be war with China. But it looks like it might be the geopolitical and domestic implications of our entire government being corrupt.

I mean, we knew it was bad. I don’t think anybody had any idea how bad it was. Just think about people like Mitt Romney, who ran as a debt-hawk… Turns out they stole my kids’ a Social Security in order to fund an entire massive network of grift and kickbacks and funding Black operations.

It’s evil. It’s disgusting and evil, and all of those people are silent right now. We’re in a new wave of independent journalists because I didn’t ask for this job. I’d rather be polling. But our videos brought in more money than our polling did this presidential cycle.

The post “The Entire Political Context We’ve Had for 50 Years Has Changed in the Last Month. We Are Now at the End of the Fourth Turning—These People Are Evil,” Says Top Pollster on Trump Momentum (VIDEO) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.