TSMC’s 2nm Trial Production Yields Are ‘Now Well Above’ 60 Percent Yield, Claims Analyst, With Full-Scale Manufacturing Imminent As Company Attempts To Raise Wafer Count

OSTN Staff

TSMC 2nm yields are now well above 60 percent claims analyst

A cloud of uncertainty is hovering around TSMC’s plan to quickly deliver the first batch of 2nm wafer shipments to its lucrative customers, and that all depends upon how quickly the semiconductor behemoth can ramp up those yields. According to the last report mentioning this specific number, the company’s trial production run on the bleeding-edge lithography had reached 60 percent, making it a significant milestone for the foundry while extending its lead against the competition. Now, one analyst believes that since those yield figures were mentioned weeks ago, the trial production phase has seen some improvements to the point that […]

Read full article at https://wccftech.com/tsmc-2nm-trial-production-yields-now-well-above-60-percent-claims-analyst/