Vigilant Fox: Infamous Dr. Deborah Birx Makes Two Shocking COVID Admissions

OSTN Staff

The “conspiracy theorists” were right again.

The narrative surrounding the COVID crisis is crumbling, and now Dr. Deborah Birx is admitting what the “conspiracy theorists” knew all along in an apparent effort to save her own skin.

Dr. Birx, who served as White House Coronavirus Response Coordinator under President Trump, admitted during a recent appearance on Piers Morgan Uncensored that the government botched the COVID response by overlooking early treatment.

“What I witnessed was a lot of undiagnosed disease that could have been treated early that then resulted in COVID deaths,” Birx lamented.

Birx literally echoed what dissident doctors had been saying from day one: Early treatment saves lives. Instead of listening, they silenced those doctors, threatened to take away their licenses and let people die.

In a 2022 exchange with Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH), Birx was cornered into admitting that the Biden administration’s claims about the jab’s efficacy were based on hope,” not science.

JORDAN: “When the government told us the vaccinated couldn’t transmit it [COVID], was that a lie or a guess?”

BIRX: “I think it was hope that the vaccine would work in that way.”

Now, Birx is throwing more health officials under the bus, claiming the vaccine rollout also ignored the science. She stated that the mRNA jab was developed to target those at high risk of severe illness, not specifically the general population.

“The messenger RNA vaccine should have been rolled out for the people that were at risk for severe disease because that’s what the vaccine was developed for,” Birx said.

She also confessed the COVID shot was never “designed” to prevent infection:

“That is not what the COVID vaccine was designed to do. It wasn’t designed against infection.”

Now she tells us.

This goes against the narrative we were all fed—that everyone needed to get vaccinated to “protect grandma.”

People lost their jobs because of this lie.

Four years later, they’re reluctantly admitting that young people were never the intended primary target for the jab—and that it wasn’t even designed to prevent infection.

In another surprising moment, Piers Morgan linked SSRIs and antidepressants to mass shootings, saying, There’s a direct correlation.”

Morgan made these comments just before announcing he is “in favor of RFK trying to pull America away from its addiction to mind-bending drugs.”

“You have millions of young people who are taking completely unnecessary mind-bending drugs for things like anxiety, depression, often self-diagnosed. And guess what happens?

“You then have a load of weirdo-loner kids running around with their brains scrambled who commit mass shootings and stuff like that. There is a direct correlation, and we’re going the same way in Britain. Young people are getting massively overmedicated. So I am actually in favor of RFK trying to pull America away from its addiction to mind-bending drugs,” Morgan said.

Read more about the link between SSRIs and mass shootings on A Midwestern Doctor’s Substack page.

The Decades of Evidence SSRI Antidepressants Cause Mass Shootings

The Big Pharma-funded media’s lies that endless boosters are needed to “keep people safe” and that SSRIs have no link to mass shootings are now falling apart.

With RFK Jr. in charge at HHS, real conversations are finally happening—and people are waking up. Thank goodness.

This article was republished with permission.

The post Vigilant Fox: Infamous Dr. Deborah Birx Makes Two Shocking COVID Admissions appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.