WAYNE ROOT: President Trump, Elon Musk and DOGE are Super Heroes. Here is a Creative 3-Part Proposal for Elon that Will Supercharge DOGE Times 1,000.

OSTN Staff

Elon Musk appears on Joe Rogan podcast

By Wayne Allyn Root

First, thank you President Trump and Elon Musk.

What they have done in a matter of days- exposing the Deep State looting and waste- has been dreamed about…talked about…promised…but never delivered in the history of America.

With President Trump’s direction, coordination and approval, Elon and his team of young genius coders and “algorithm Houdini’s” have proven our tax money has been ripped off, looted and wasted.

Elon and his team have found the Deep State/DC Swamp/CIA slush fund.

This is like finding the books with all the records of payoffs in Al Capone’s vault…this is like finding the books at John Gotti’s Bergin Hunt & Fish Club…this is like finding Jimmy Hoffa’s Teamsters Union Pension Fund books buried in the New York Giants Stadium end zone.

Elon has discovered the mafia burial grounds.

Except, the mafia never in its wildest dreams could have imagined looting trillions of dollars from American taxpayers. The Deep State has pulled off a scam that would make the Gambino Crime Family blush.

But now let’s take this discovery to the next logical conclusion…

A) This is not limited to USAID. We will find the same theft, looting, waste and fraud in every government agency.


B) Start thinking- who got the loot? For over 20 years- first as a guest on thousands of talk shows…then for ten thousand hours as host of my own TV and radio shows for the past decade…I’ve screamed from the highest mountains that everyone in government – from the politicians to the government bureaucrats- are all making $170,000 a year (or more) PLUS ALL THEY CAN STEAL.

A job in government is a license to steal.

This money Elon is finding stolen, missing or wasted, is called “bribery.” The politicians and government bureaucrats either took the money, or they took a cut of the action for giving it to others in the form of government contracts.

So now, we must come to the next logical conclusion. Finding money is missing, stolen or wasted is one thing. But now the DOJ, FBI and Treasury agents must get involved- along with forensic accountants. We must trace where it all went and who got a cut.

Then the indictments, arrests and perp walks must begin. And equally important, we must begin the process of clawing back all the money.

Any politician or government bureaucrat who got a cut must be held financially accountable. Seize their bank accounts, offshore accounts, homes, cars and all other assets- along with arresting and perp walking them.

Now to my three ideas to speed this process along…

First, use Elon’s wealth. He’s the richest man in the world. He’s worth $400 billion and counting. What’s $1 billion to Elon? That’s like me taking a $20 out of my wallet.

Elon should offer a $1 billion award- this will capture the attention and imagination of the whole country (and the whole world). This $1 billion pool of reward money will go to all the people who come forward to rat out the government theft, fraud, looting, waste and bribery. This will dramatically speed up the discovery. Greed will motivate thousands of people to come forward to report these crimes.

Second, offer amnesty and immunity to the criminals themselves. If they turn themselves in now, and confess, and hand over what they’ve stolen, and rat out all the others involved, they get immunity- no prison, no fines. And they get part of the reward money for every dollar the government claws back based on their tip and/or testimony.

So, come forward. Because if we have to come get you, you’ll spend decades in prison and lose everything.

Third, don’t just investigate government spending. Go straight to “the source.” Hire teams of your young MIT geniuses, and coders, and forensic accountants to investigate every member of Congress and every agency head who is a multi-millionaire.

We know they’re all crooked. How did they make millions, or tens of millions, on a $170,000 salary? They’re all suspect. Make them prove where their money for their mansions, yachts, private jets and millionaire’s lifestyle came from.

So much for the B.S. term “public servants.” These corrupt politicians and public employees are “public frauds and criminals.”

We have to arrest and convict the politicians and government bureaucrats who have looted the American people. We have to claw back the money. Because if we let them get away with their crimes, this will never end. We have to set an example and send a message…

If you steal from the US government and American taxpayers, you will go to prison and lose everything.

P.S. Once you’ve cut all this spending, waste and looting, and fired a third (or more) of useless, lazy, corrupt government employees, it’s time to eliminate income taxes completely and terminate the IRS…

Or worst case, cut our taxes in half. Elon just proved that government doesn’t need all this money. Most of our tax money is stolen, or wasted. Government can live on half or less.

So, from now on, President Trump can be known as the President who allowed the American people to keep dramatically more of our own money!

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Watch Wayne’s new TV Show, “The ROOT Reaction” weeknights at 10 PM ET/7 PM Pacific on Real America’s Voice TV, and Wayne’s weekend “America’s Top Ten Countdown” on Saturdays at Noon ET/9 AM PT on Real America’s Voice TV. Watch at RealAmericasVoice.com, or at Rumble, Roku, Pluto, Apple, Dish TV Ch 219, or go to RootforAmerica.com to watch. Read Wayne’s latest fun book, “How Democrats Have Made America Great.” It’s 140 blank pages! The joke is on Democrats!

The post WAYNE ROOT: President Trump, Elon Musk and DOGE are Super Heroes. Here is a Creative 3-Part Proposal for Elon that Will Supercharge DOGE Times 1,000. appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.