Wikileaks: USAID Spent Half-Billion Influencing Journalism through Shady NGO “Internews Network”

OSTN Staff

The fallout and aftermath of Elon Musk’s investigation into USAID as part of President Trump’s radical revolution in his second-term in office, has revealed stunning reports of government funding for far-left efforts and wasteful efforts. Musk has said that Trump has authorized him to look into the Department of Education, Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, and explosively, the Pentagon.

Wikileaks is now claiming that another part of the far-left USAID funding has been influencing foreign and domestic media with nearly half-a-billion dollars in U.S. taxpayer funding for the “Internews Network”, a non-profit funded primarily by the government that trained journalists, pushed certain news and agenda that fit the government’s desires, and also that the network developed “exclusion lists” that were meant to pressure advertisers to bankrupt other media outlets that did not serve the government’s agenda.

The U.S. government was also pushing such ‘exclusion lists’ through a variety of other state-supported organizations and entities, such as the Stanford Internet Observatory, the University of Washington, Yale, Newsguard, and by coercing big tech companies like Facebook, Amazon, and Google. This was all part of the left’s Censorship Industrial Complex.

The Gateway Pundit is litigating against the government at the moment in Missouri v. Biden on related issues about censorship, deplatforming, and demonetization.

Internews supported and funded those censorship efforts.

A reported 75% of the funding for Internews Network came directly from USAID. That funding allowed them to work with a reported 4,291 media outlets.

This network, financed almost entirely by the U.S. government, was active in 30 countries and working with over 9,000 journalists.

Google Maps shows that the official main office for Internews has been abandoned, suggesting that some possible degree of fraud has been underway.

The President of Internews, Jeanne Bourgault, has put her social media accounts, including her LinkedIn account, into lock-down. The Internews website has been scrubbed, though it is still active at the “Wayback Machine.” Her prior work was solely with USAID and affiliated organizations. She was being paid nearly a half million dollars per year and has been with the organization for over 24 years.

Some of her connections are tied to Reddit management and at other high-profile and influential media companies.

Internews has also been connected to funding from powerful left-wing billionaire George Soros.

Separately it recently came out that Politico was receiving $8 million per year from the government, though the far-left DC-based news outlet claims it was for high-priced specialty plans that were being sold for $10,000 per year to high-level government officials to ‘track legislation.’

Internews was all being operated out of an office that had clearly been abandoned for years.

Online many are alleging connections between USAID, Internews, and the U.S. intelligence community. Specifically referencing the alleged controversial “Operation Mockingbird” where U.S. intelligence figures sought to place influential undercover agents, and develop placed agents within, every major media outlet in the world as a way to project the U.S. agenda and power globally.

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