Hyundai finally found the cause of a ‘putrid’ rotten-produce stench plaguing owners of certain Palisade SUVs

OSTN Staff

2020 Hyundai Palisade.
2020 Hyundai Palisade.

Back in August, we learned that certain owners of the Hyundai Palisade SUV suffered from a strange, olfactory issue: A mysterious “putrid stench” was emanating from the interior of the cars and no one knew why.

Three months and likely a lot of rolled-down windows later, Hyundai has a solution.

If you’ll kindly remember, the issue was first reported by earlier this year. Basically, the test car purchased had an intermittent “sharp chemical odor with a dash of something organic like garlic or rotten produce,” which seemed to come from the seats’ head restraints. No one seemed to be able to pinpoint where the smell was coming from beyond that or what was causing it.

In an August emailed response to Business Insider, a Hyundai representative said that the company was aware of the issue and was investigating it.

But in a follow-up post this week, reported that Hyundai was able to pinpoint the origin of the smell: the “imitation leather coverings of head restraints in Palisade Limited and Calligraphy trim levels equipped with Nappa leather on the seats,” the site wrote. 

“Specifically, a flaw in the manufacturing process resulted in some vehicles emitting the objectionable odor,” the story said. “The inconsistent nature of the problem — and the fact that people vary both in how much they detect it and how objectionable they find the odor when they do smell it — is partly responsible for how long it took to get a grasp on it.”

The first fix is to spray some odor-neutralizer on the inside of each head restraint covering, though that doesn’t always work. If it doesn’t, reported, customers could then be eligible for a replacement set of head restraints that are made in a new way so they don’t smell again.

“It’s a rare occurrence that they have to replace all seven headrests,” a Hyundai spokesperson told the outlet. “The engineering team is confident in the process.”

Case closed, seems like.

You can read the rest of the story here

Read the original article on Business Insider

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