Battlefield 2042 Crosses Santa Claus Skin Off Its List to the Relief of Players

OSTN Staff

Battlefield 2042

It seems Santa Claus isn’t coming to Battlefield Town and players are actually quite alright with that. Yesterday, it was revealed one of the rewards for the Battlefield 2042’s new Weekly Missions would be a Santa Claus skin for Specialist Boris, and the reaction from some fans was less than jolly. While the world of BF2042 isn’t exactly realistic, some understandably chafed at the idea of the game almost immediately going the Fortnite route with wacky tonally-clashing skins.

Well, the official Battlefield Twitter account has responded to the backlash, and it sounds like Santa’s being shelved. While the Twitter thread admits the holiday-themed cosmetics are real, it also says there are currently “no plans to use all of them.” Of course, the question is, would Santa have been used if there hadn’t been a backlash? Hmmmm.

Following the rough launch of Battlefield 2042, EA is reportedly shaking things up, putting Respawn’s Vince Zampella and Halo co-creator Marcus Lehto in charge. Whether the leadership can provide a more consistent vision and head off the kind of clashes of tone that have plagued Battlefield in recent years remains to be seen.

Battlefield 2042 is available now on PC, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, PS4, and PS5.

The post Battlefield 2042 Crosses Santa Claus Skin Off Its List to the Relief of Players by Nathan Birch appeared first on Wccftech.

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