Ellipse rally organizer says it’s ‘disgusting’ that Trump won’t help those facing legal trouble over January 6

OSTN Staff

In this Jan. 6, 2021, file photo with the White House in the background, President Donald Trump speaks at a rally in Washington.
In this Jan. 6, 2021, file photo with the White House in the background, President Donald Trump speaks at a rally in Washington.

  • A Jan. 6 rally organizer blasted Trump for not aiding those caught up in January 6 investigations.
  •  Dustin Stockton told Rolling Stone that Trump’s lack of help is “fucking disgusting.”
  • Stockton and his partner Jennifer Lynn Lawrence are now cooperating with the Jan. 6 Committee.

An organizer of the January 6 rally at the Ellipse criticized former President Donald Trump for doing little to help his followers now in legal jeopardy and facing mounting bills for the rioting after his rally, according to a new interview.

“This guy’s sitting on giant gold buildings all over the world with his name on it and we’ve done more to help those people than he has,” Dustin Stockton told Rolling Stone. “It’s fucking disgusting.”

Stockton and his partner Jennifer Lynn Lawrence are longtime Republican activists and associates of Steve Bannon. The two have been involved in the planning of numerous Republican rallies, protests, and stunts over the years, all building up to their involvement in a November 14, 2020 rally and the “March for Trump” bus tour that culminated in the January 6 rally at the Ellipse, where Trump urged his supporters to “fight like hell” and then march down to the Capitol. 

Stockton and Lawrence are now cooperating with the Select Committee investigating the January 6 insurrection about their involvement in planning the rally at the Ellipse. As Rolling Stone’s Hunter Walker noted, there is no evidence that either Stockton or Lawrence in any way participated in or were connected to the violence at the Capitol on January 6.

The outlet said the communications the two have turned over to the committee were “logistical and focused on planning the members’ participation in objections to the electoral certification on the House floor and various events that were staged to protest against the election.” 

“Violent shit happened,” Lawrence told Rolling Stone about January 6. “We want to get to the bottom of that.”

Trump has called the cases against Capitol rioters “persecution,” despite body cam evidence showing more than 1,000 assaults on police officers that day. His Save America PAC has raised a $105 million on false claims of election fraud but hasn’t offered money to any of the roughly 670 defendants charged in connection to the Capitol insurrection that delayed the electoral certification Trump had denounced, according to the Huffington Post.

Along with reflection on that day, the pair’s interviews with Rolling Stone include a fair amount of score-settling with others involved in the planning of January 6 rallies, including Women for America First leader Amy Kremer, and efforts to shore up their own reputations and distance themselves from the violence at the Capitol as they face congressional scrutiny.  

The two were diehard believers in Trump’s false claims that the 2020 election was rigged by the “Deep State” and stolen via voter fraud. But they say they both felt disillusioned and betrayed by Trump in his speech at the Ellipse rally, with Stockton recalling telling Lawrence, “Let’s get the fuck out of here.” 

“We assumed that him sitting with all the access to all the agencies of government and classified information he … had access to vastly more information than we did,” Stockton told Rolling Stone. “We trusted when he told us that it was black and white and that there was clear evidence over, and over, and over again. We trusted that it would be there, and it ended up being a bluff, and he finally got caught in it.”

Both Stockton and Lawrence both pointed to what they saw as a fundamental unfairness in hundreds of defendants facing charges for rioting at the Capitol while those who fanned the flames have not; Trump was impeached for a second time but was acquitted by the Senate despite seven Republicans joining Democrats to vote for his conviction. 

“Ultimately, the people who were committing the acts are most responsible. However, this was completely foreseeable and predictable,” Stockton said. “He knew better than to send people down there under those circumstances with those people at the front of it.”

Other rally organizers and top White House aides, however, have also been subpoenaed for documents and testimony by the January 6 panel. But most, like Stockton and Lawrence, don’t have the same resources to fight the committee’s scrutiny as Bannon, who is set to face trial for contempt of Congress in July 2022, and former White House chief of staff Mark Meadows. 

Read the original article on Business Insider

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