Act-Accelerator update

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The tools developed will benefit the whole world, and by saving lives and reducing severe COVID-19 disease, contribute to the ...

Schools, childcare shut as children test positive

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This coronavirus article is unlocked and free to read in the interest of community health and safety. Get full digital ...

Aussie bikini brand joins long list of retail collapses

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Swimwear brand Seafolly has become the latest business victim of the coronavirus pandemic, falling into voluntary administration with more than ...

Pasta bakes that will spice up dinner time

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Easy ways to beat return-to-work weight gain

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Tempting treats abound as workers reacquaint themselves with office life, making this the perfect time to double-down on healthy habits ...

More bill pain for Victorians as coronavirus rules linger

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Families will face hundreds of dollars in extra charges on their power bills this year as a 21 per cent ...

More than half a million people have now died from coronavirus

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The global death toll from the coronavirus pandemic has passed 500,000. Powered by WPeMatico

Disneyland employees protest pandemic workplace safety

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Workers at California’s Disneyland Resort protested from their cars arguing that the Walt Disney Co has not agreed to adequate ...

Peta Credlin apologises for inaccurately blaming South Sudanese for coronavirus outbreak

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The former Abbott government advisor inaccurately suggested South Sudanese Australians were not following social distancing measures due to a lack ...

Hundreds in Taiwan hold Pride Parade

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Taiwan has held a ‘Taiwan Pride Parade for the World’ as a show of solidarity with countries unable to hold ...

With flights banned, son sails solo across Atlantic to reach father, 90

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An Argentine man stuck in Portugal because of the virus travelled for 85 days the only way he could: in ...

‘She’s had a hell of a trajectory’: What’s next for Wentworth fave

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It’s been a long road from fresh-faced inmate to Wentworth’s Top Dog, but the best is yet to come for ...

Travellers demand move from ‘putrid’ quarantine hotel

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Filthy conditions have reportedly been uncovered at one of the state’s trouble-plagued quarantine hotels, with calls for the site to ...

Simple grocery hacks that will save you cash

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Job losses, reduced income and soaring grocery prices are just some of the reasons many of us are feeling uneasy. ...

Airport cleaner infected, saliva test fast-tracked in hotspots

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This coronavirus article is unlocked and free to read in the interest of community health and safety. Get full digital ...

PM’s approval jumps as US virus cases surge

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Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison has posted record approval ratings, as many world leaders flounder amid the coronavirus crisis. Powered ...

Four in 10 Australians had a negative experience online during the pandemic

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The federal government has announced a $10 million funding boost for online safety, after an increase in Australians reporting negative ...

Victoria nurse tests positive for coronavirus amid testing blitz in hot spots

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Details of the Royal Melbourne Hospital nurse’s case are yet to be revealed, but the hospital says all known contacts ...

Global fundraiser raises billions in coronavirus vaccine drive

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A global fundraising meeting has raised A$10.05 billion (6.15 billion euros) from the United States, the European Commission and numerous ...

India passes 500,000 coronavirus cases after daily leap of nearly 20,000 infections

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India has experienced a record daily leap in COVID-19 infections. Powered by WPeMatico

Premier urges WA jobseekers to take offers

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The usual Centrelink penalties for those on JobSeeker who don’t accept suitable offers are on hold during the COVID-19 pandemic. ...

‘Stupidity, laughs and tears’: New changes to The Living Room

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As isolation partners go, The Living Room’s charismatic chef, Miguel Maestro admits his wife and children pulled the short straw. ...

Losing $100 pushes Aussies to the brink

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Household budgets are being pushed to the brink as two in three people concede losing $100 in weekly income would ...

Metro staff quarantined as new plan to control hotspots revealed

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This coronavirus article is unlocked and free to read in the interest of community health and safety. Get full digital ...

The products flying off the shelves during retail slump

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Spending on home and self-care products surged by almost 20 per cent last month, buoying the nation’s tentative retail recovery. ...

When University students may start to return to campus

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Tens of thousands of Victorian university students face learning from home for the rest of the year as the state ...

Test rejecting travellers labelled selfish

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Federal politicians have been shocked to hear a third of returned travellers in quarantine in Victoria are refusing COVID-19 tests. ...

Informal workers in Brazil are having to choose between hunger and risk of infection

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The coronavirus pandemic has been especially devastating for workers in Brazil’s vast informal sector, where millions of people have no ...

Coronavirus ‘found’ in March 2019 sewage in Spain

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Scientists say coronavirus traces have been found in Spanish wastewater samples collected on 12 March 2019 – a year before ...

Business owners in Sydney’s Chinatown say the lack of tourists is hitting them hard

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As coronavirus travel bans continue, retailers in Sydney’s Chinatown precinct are battling without the 2.6 million annual visitors to its ...